Ok, I'll try to make this as not tl;dr as possible.
Since early May, I have been running a text RPG based on the unexplored region known as the Orange Islands. Why Nintendo never made this region into a game, I'll never know. Anyway, since the beginning, we (the staff and I) had been intent on having a few fake Pokemon in the RPG. At the beginning, we were donated some scrap sprites from PokeRealm users Oykawoo and Novoni (yes, the same Oykawoo and Novoni who are spriters for PokeRealm's Pokemon Topaz project). Then, in July, Novoni began spriting concepts for us, and about a week ago, Novoni allowed me to use the sprites that she was making for her fakedex into the RPG. Now, we have a fakedex with over 40 Pokemon, and it's not nearly done. I won't show the whole Fakedex here, but I'll give you guys a sample by posting the starters:
Note: No using ANY of these sprites without conesnt from me AND the sprite's original creator!
Baby Koala Pokémon
KOALEAF are native to tropical islands, where they spend most of their time wandering between trees. Despite they're appearance, they are very quick climbers, and camouflage well in treetops.
Evolves into Eucoala at level 16
Leaf Koala Pokémon
EUCOALA are quite heavy for their size. Because of this, they have developed their limb muscles in order to be able to climb trees. They are also known for being able to use fighting type attacks with efficiency.
Evolves from Koleaf at level 16
Evolves into Koalyptus at level 36
Grass Koala Pokémon
KOALYPTUS are much heavier than their previous form, EUCOALA. Due to this, they have developed amazing arm strength. They sometime walk on their hands while they train. KOALYPTUS are too big to fit in most trees, so they mostly live in dense forests with thick trees that can hold their weight.
Evolves from Eucoala at level 36
Baby Kangaroo Pokémon
PYROO tire themselves out quickly when moving, since their only way of moving quickly is by hopping, and their leg muscles have not developed yet. Instead, mother WALLARO carry them around until their legs develop enough for them to travel on their own.
Evolves into Pyoby at level 16
Kangaroo Pokémon
PYROBY, unlike PYROO, have strong legs, allowing them to jump over four feet into the air with relative ease. They can also jump quite a few feet forwards without any effort. In battle, they use this to quickly cut off fleeing opponents by jumping over them.
Evolves from Pyroby at level 16
Evolves into Wallaro at level 36
Flame Kangaroo Pokémon
WALLARO release heat from small openings at the bottom of their feet, allowing them to jump even higher. They don't have much arm strength though, so they rely mostly on their amazingly powerful legs in battle. They can use the openings at the bottom of their feet to launch full blown fire attacks as well.
Evolves from Pyroby at level 36
Baby Platypus Pokémon
PATTLE spend most of their time in shallow water. They can commonly be found sleeping near beaches. They can hardly move on land, but can swim with amazing speed when in the water.
Evolves into Plattail at level 16
Platypus Pokémon
Due to their flexible feet, PLATTAIL have trouble walking on land, as their feet can't support the weight without folding into themselves. Instead, they slide themselves forward with all four limbs.
Evolves from Pattle at level 16
Evolves into Tsunamic at level 36
Poison Platypus Pokémon
TSUNAMIC, unlike its previous stages, has firm feet, making it just as dangerous on land as it is in the water. It has poison sacs hidden under its skin, and it can release the poison from sweat-like pores scattered all over its body.
Evolves from Plattail at level 36
All above sprites - Novoni
All above shinies - Trainer X
All above Pokedex entries - Trainer X
Does anybody know the BBCode for centering? The [align=center] one usually works, but for some reason it's not working here. Same with [center], but that never works anyway. Anyway, the sprites look a little up and down right now (like one sprite is higher up than another), but they look better on the actual RPG.
So what do you guys think of the sprites? Like them? Well, those are only our starters! If you want to see all the sprites that we have so more, click the following link:
http://z6.invisionfree.com/Orange_Islan ... wtopic=472
Or if you want to visit the index of our forums, try this link:
http://z6.invisionfree.com/Orange_Islan ... hp?act=idx
Anyway, this thread isn't just to advertise for the Text RPG. We're also in need of more spriters. If you'd like to become a spriter for this project, either post a sample of one of your spriters (only scratches, nothing else accepted), or ask for one of our concepts to sprite. Anyway, I guess that's all I have to say, so comment here or visit our site!
P.S: Also interested in affiliating with other sites/forums, PM me for details. Dunno if that's allowed here, but if it's not, just tell me and I'll edit it out.