
General Pokemon Discussion Rules
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Author:  RaichuLatias [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  General Pokemon Discussion Rules

1- No Spam
No spamming. No posting of non-constructive comments on threads that have been inactive for several weeks.

2- No Flaming
Just like in the other forums, no flaming or senseless arguing is allowed in the forums.

3- No Trolling
Trolling is the art of posting a message, to get another member to flame you, don't come crying to us when someone flames you.
An example would be saying that Pokemon is stupid, which will easily get a flame response.

4- Polling
Look in the other forums to see if a particular poll has already been posted. Repeated polls will simply be deleted.

5- On-Topic posts
Please try to stay on the subject of the topic. If you have another question just post a new topic.

6- Don't quote long posts
It gets annoying when your page takes 7x longer to open a page, just because someone had to quote something extremely long! So if you're quoting something such as the Shiny Dex in Shiny hunting board topic, please shorten it!

7- Pokemon Questions in Right Forums
If you have a question about something for RBY/GSC/FRLG or some other PKMN game, please post about it in the correct forum.

8- Battle Logs
Since they are so cumbersome on the eyes, please post battle logs in either size seven or size eight. ~papersun

9- Pokemon Bashing
No Bashing pokemon in here or anywhere else, You can say why you don't think it's good for battling or other things, but no "Mew is stupid" posts or "What pokemon do you think is stupid?" topics. It will hurt people's feelings on here to see their pokemon bashed, so please don't do it.

If you see anyone breaking this rules, please PM one of the mods, instead of posting.

Anything else you want to add paper and Gryphflame?

Author:  Truestar [ Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:13 am ]
Post subject: 

glitched_trainer wrote:

What do you mean ok? These are the rules. To make sure Psypoke stays clean, and polite, we follow them. That should be unquestionable. :roll:

Author:  papersun [ Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I deleted that SPAM, and now this'll be locked.

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:31 am ]
Post subject: 

There have been way too many topics that are related to favourite Pokemon groups, favourite Pokemon of each type, and many more, and from now on we hope that everyone will post everything related in the Official Favourite Pokemon thread, which can be found here:

All similar topics that are created henceforth will be locked. You've been warned :wink:

Now here is a possible format for people to follow when they post in the topic. You don't have to use this of course, but it might help guide some in their thinking process :P

Individual Pokemon
Favourite Pokemon Overall
Favourite Pokemon of Each Type
Favourite Legendary
Favourite Starter
Favourite OU/UU/BL/NU/etc.
Favourite Baby Pokemon
Favourite Eevolution
Favourite Fossil Pokemon

Favourite Starter Group
Favourite Legendary Group

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