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Author:  harishna [ Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  boxing

What is the ultimate way to get in a boxing condition? I am currently boxing for 2 years and developed a technique and somewhat condition, but i know its not enough for the golden gloves, what are some good techniques, regimes, foods, workouts, that i could use which will help me be in the best shape for boxing pro?
affiliateelite ~ ~ adgooroo ~

Author:  DatVu [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: boxing

lol I'm sure Hitmonchan has not influenced much of our members. You're probably just bragging here... you honestly have to know that no one here has any advice to give to you in regards to a fit boxing workout. If you've been doing this for two years, then you must have a trainer and you should already know. If not, you're pretending you do, and you've been **** around in your basement with a bag. As such, get a trainer if you're serious and stop wasting a nerd's time.

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