
Just a quick Poem
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Author:  lawa001 [ Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Just a quick Poem

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14 Lines total
Love Poem using text from a Midsummer's Night dream
Has to use complete lines
Old English
No consecutive lines (eg line 40, then 41)

My Poem~

O that my prayers could such affection move.... (Act1, Scene 1, Line200)
There is not one word apt, one player fitted... (Act5, Scene1, Line67)
For never anything can be amiss... (Act5, Scene1, Line86)
There lies your love... (Act4, Scene1, Line77)
And laid the love juice on some true love's sight...(Act3 Scene2 Line89)
Think but this and all is mended...(Act5, Scene1, Line416)
If we have unearned luck...(Act5, Scene1, Line123)
To die upon the hand I love so well...(Act2, Scene1, Line248)
Out sword, and wound...(Act5,Scene1, Line292)
Where heart doth hop...(Act5, Scene1, Line295)
Though I alone feel the injury...(Act3, Scene2, Line220)
Come, Come to me... (Act5, Scene1, Line332)
Adieu, Adiel, Adieu..........(Act 5, Scene 1, 342)


O that my prayers could such affection move....
There is not one word apt, one player fitted...
For never anything can be amiss...
There lies your love...
And laid the love juice on some true love's sight...
Think but this and all is mended..
If we have unearned luck..
To die upon the hand I love so well...
Out sword, and wound...
Where heart doth hop...
Though I alone feel the injury...
Come, Come to me...
Adieu, Adiel, Adieu..........

Author:  comedianmasta [ Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just a quick Poem

I loved Midsummer's Night Dream, and I believe your poem was a verry good representation of those lines.

Now, may I say that you have many changes from the first and second. Ok... so otherwise it was good.

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