
stasbot Help
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Author:  Swift [ Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  stasbot Help

General Information
stasbot is primarily used for logging channel statistics, located at

The following commands can be used either in #psypoke or in private message. To use these commands in #psypoke, prefix the command with ` (e.g. `stats).

For more information on these commands, /msg stasbot HELP command

General Commands
CALC..........Performs four-function and exponential calculations
!HUG*........stasbot gives you a hug!
SEEN..........Displays the last time a specified user was seen in #psypoke
!STATS.......Displays channel statistics link
!TOPIC*.....Suggests a topic for discussion
WEATHER...Displays current conditions for a specified zipcode

Bot User Commands
!UPDATE.....Updates channel statistics
ADDTOPIC..Adds a new topic to the topic list
DELTOPIC...Deletes a topic from the topic list

* indicates a channel-only command.
! indicates there is no further available help.

To become a bot user, a user must be both active and often present in the chats.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to PM me. Cheers!

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