
Fire Red: Sabrina Gym Leader Error
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Author:  Tricky [ Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Fire Red: Sabrina Gym Leader Error

This is my second time round on FireRed, iu have been playing Ruby a lot but decided to retry fire red with your guide, so i traded my lvl 100 Charizard over to Ruby. Now i have started a new game, I am on the Sabrina fight as we speak. It mentions she has potential to be the hardest leader, in which case this in an important part. It mentions that she will save one Hyper Potion for Alakazam, althought when i fought her she used both on her Mr. Mime. I decided to mention this in case anybody thought up anuy plans and relied on her saving one.

- Fixed. 12Jan07

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