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 Underground guide 
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Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:32 am
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Location: Brooklyn, NY
2 are bugs, 1 is a suggestion.

The more important bug report:


In case you still don't realise the error, look to the Gold (10 Flags) section:

"and receive redar functions for your PC"

Isn't it supposed to be radar? Or is this something completely different

Edit: Bug #2 - In the missions section, it says for #2, "Dig up and object" when it should be "Dig up an object" (note the absence of the d)

- Fixed

The less important suggestion: Make a mention that you can increase the size of spheres by burying spheres of the same type (blue, green, red, prism, pale) on top of each other.

So, if X is the size of your smaller one, and Y is the size of the larger one, Z (the size of the final result) will equal Y + .25X

So, in addition to the suggestion, embelish on it - tell them how to get more bang for their buck. Tell them to put a big sphere down first, then a bunch of the little spheres. That way, you'll have a bigger gem. (That is, as opposed to putting little one, then slightly larger...largest)

- I don't think this is the correct formula. You get the same size sphere if regardless of the order you place them, whereas your formula doesn't work that way.

Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:55 pm
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