
Underground guide
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Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Underground guide

2 are bugs, 1 is a suggestion.

The more important bug report:


In case you still don't realise the error, look to the Gold (10 Flags) section:

"and receive redar functions for your PC"

Isn't it supposed to be radar? Or is this something completely different

Edit: Bug #2 - In the missions section, it says for #2, "Dig up and object" when it should be "Dig up an object" (note the absence of the d)

- Fixed

The less important suggestion: Make a mention that you can increase the size of spheres by burying spheres of the same type (blue, green, red, prism, pale) on top of each other.

So, if X is the size of your smaller one, and Y is the size of the larger one, Z (the size of the final result) will equal Y + .25X

So, in addition to the suggestion, embelish on it - tell them how to get more bang for their buck. Tell them to put a big sphere down first, then a bunch of the little spheres. That way, you'll have a bigger gem. (That is, as opposed to putting little one, then slightly larger...largest)

- I don't think this is the correct formula. You get the same size sphere if regardless of the order you place them, whereas your formula doesn't work that way.

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