
Psydex: Search by type?
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Author:  Grey Eyes Charizard [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Psydex: Search by type?

I was taking a quiz on another site, and needed to find out how many flying type Pokemon there were for the quiz. After 5 hours of painstakingly looking up every Pokemon (well... not every Pokemon...) and totaling up the Flying type Pokemon, I came up with a novel concept: Search by type in the Psydex! We can do it with the Pokedex in the video games, why not on the site? Here's how I think it should work: Choose type one (Fire, Water, Electric, ect.) then select type two as either None, or as an actual type. Simple, eh?

Feel free to post feedback!

Author:  Krisp [ Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psydex: Search by type?

Um...your idea is "great" and all, but you can already do that. Typesort.

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