
pokedex bug chinchou/lantern
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Author:  Birdlover [ Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:10 am ]
Post subject:  pokedex bug chinchou/lantern

maybe im remembering his moves wrong, but i thought lanturn learned thunder instead of hydro pump, cuz i thought had been a debate i had been having with myself on the issue of when i should evolve my chinchou
BYE :?: :)

Author:  TonberryKing [ Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

So you aren't really sure about whether you're right or wrong about Chinchou/Lanturn learning Thunder, but you'd thought you'd post it anyway, as a bug report for the Psydex?

I see.

According to my Gameboy, Chinchou and Lanturn learn Hydro Pump at level 41 and 50 respectively. They do not learn Thunder by level up at all.

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