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 Two windows and the icons blah 
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Pokemon Master
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I have this weird thing, I was just wondering if theres a way to stop it. If not, meh.

Whenever im on Psypoke, seeing what forums have had new posts in, the icons are lit up blah blah. If I open a new window of Psypoke, the icons go back to no old post mode on the new window.

Just wondering if that can be fixed as then i dont know whats been updated if somebody gives me a link when im already looking at PP.

Coca Cola, 2 Litres a day, keep ma batteries onnnn.

Wed May 03, 2006 7:49 am
Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger
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Mine does that. It's because you are automatically logged in whenever you click Psypoke's Index Page. If you log out and don't click "Log Me In Automatically" then it won't happen. It is quite annoying but that's life.

I would suggest to copy the link in any topic but not the Index and open a new Explorer Window and paste it in then the icons will still be lit up.

If not...

Rubypoke wrote:

ImageImage Image

Wed May 03, 2006 12:08 pm
The Geek
The Geek
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Or, alternatively, quit using IE, start using FireFox, and set things to open in new tabs if there's already an existing window. That's what I've been doing, and it works perfectly fine; I can open all the forums I need to moderate and open a link someone sends me that needs immediate attention. It's quite helpful, really.


latina mortua lingua est // ud mortua ud ea possit
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Wed May 03, 2006 4:19 pm
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Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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Ok, might get Mozilla FireFox sometime then.

Thanks for ze help. Muchly appreciated.

Coca Cola, 2 Litres a day, keep ma batteries onnnn.

Wed May 03, 2006 11:32 pm
Lite Four
Lite Four
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I've been using IE mainly, but I haven't had any problems with opening new windows. Are you using the ctrl+n method to open up a new window for the forums, or are you opening a new window and c/p-ing the url in and hitting enter? Entering the url manually or clicking on links to the forum will cause the icons to become unlit, so stick to using ctrl+n.


Fri May 05, 2006 6:22 am
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