Yo yo, emailed this to the webmasters but I think the email got lost in the pile... I made a little stat calculating tool for Pokemon Diamond Pearl, just a little free thing designed to help my fellow players.
Just updated with v1.10 tonight, includes the text search that made Netbattle so great to use, as well as a slew of other neat features you guys haven't seen yet: Check out the grid selection for natures for example.
I hope you like it; and if you guys want to host it, I'll gladly post a link to Psypokes on my site (my site is only there as a central update hub, I don't have the bandwidth to support the pokemon fanbase, so I'm hoping peeps like you will host my tool for the benefit of all players).
Let me know if you like it =)
EDIT: My contact info is within the program as well but; if you guys want to host it, just post on here or email me at