MasterChef wrote:
Charizard Rider wrote:
I'm actually kind of appalled that a lot of people don't name their pokes. That's like having a dog and calling it "Dog". I name every pokemon I get. Even legendaries. I'll literally sit there for around 10 minutes with the volume off(the "you just caught a pokemon" jingle gets repetitive and annoying)trying to think up a good name. I know I'm different. But it's a GOOD kind of different, lol.
I kinda do the same. Every poke I breed for battling I nickname after a food or utensil, Pinot Noir, Basil, Walnut, Pummelo, etc.
Thanks for the congrats!
You're welcome.
I dont have much of a naming system myself. Here are some of the names I came up with and their origins.
Blister the ariados: What do you get when a spider bites you? A blister.
Inferno the charizard: Type related.
Rainflip the empoleon: Type related + penguins have flippers, so "flip"
Racket the primeape: Monkeys make a lot of noise/racket.
Winks the hypno: Play on "40 winks" or something like that, which describes sleep.
Wildflame the infernape: Type related + apes/monkeys are wild.
Nova the staraptor: Nova is another word for star.
Techno the manectric: Type a certain extent.
Meadow the leafeon: Type related.
Snowstep the glaceon: Type related.
Nimbus the gyarados: Type related, it means "rain cloud"
Raiden the ninjask: Ninja sounding name for a ninja bug.
And legendaries, now that you have examples of how I name.
Nightdrake the giratina
Rex and Raptor the groudons(I traded one into collosseum and started a new game)
Coldtalon the articuno
Flashtalon the zapdos
Flametalon the moltres
Yeah...anyway glad I'm not the only nicknamer.